Summary of Thoughts shared on
the Lord's day at YMCA.
Br Satya: Joshua 19:49-51 presents to us the abiding
hand of God to bless us through our life.
Br Ben: Joshua 14:12, Joshua 19:49-51, Zech 12:10,
Zech 13:6. Only two individuals (Caleb and Joshua) had the claim
to ask for inheritance. This is type of Messiah claim (Ps2-'Ask of me...).
Between Caleb and Joshua (Joshua 14-19) is presented the inheritance to the
tribes by lots. So likewise in a figure, the covenant of wealth is stamped both
at the beginning and the ending by Messianic claims. The promised
land is got by crossing Jordan, circumcision and Passover at Gilgal (all figures of Christ's death). Even so, the
inheritance for God's people whether land or spiritual blessings is received by
Christ's death.
(Second theme): In Zechariah, two prophecies
about Christ's body is referred to- wounded hands and pierced side (Zech 13 and
Zech12). Thomas looks for these two- the wounded hands emphasizing His humanity
and the pierced side, His deity (compare John 19:37). Christ as God is
absolute: 'I am' as spoken in
Br Chanakya: Rom12:1,2, Eph 4:3, 1Cor 5,Gal 5, Rom12, Eph4 &c.
Seven ways to beautify the House of God:
1.Word of God as centre of assembly's decision
making (Acts 15)
2. Exercising priestly duty (Rom 12:1,2)
3. Honour Christ and
give Him the honouring centre (7 times it is mentioned
as Christ in the midst in the Bible)
4. Endeavouring the
keeping of unity (Eph 4:3)
5. Holiness in the assembly (1
Cor5, Gal5)
6. Exercising spiritual gifts (Rom 12, Eph4)
7. Waiting for the coming of Christ (1Thess)