"Not the wisdom of this world"

"Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh." James 5:8.

Note: The articles published here are original contributions. Our exercise is to publish the current ministry of saints who are meeting on the Scriptural grounds (Matt. 18:20; I Cor. 1:2; Heb. 13:13-15 &c).

The Corinthian Repository_21-24

21. Discipline and Forgiveness (1 Corinthians 5:3 and 2 Corinthians 2:5-8)
22) Principles relating to God’s resources in the assembly (2 Corinthians 8 and 9)
23) Principles relating to resource distribution within the assembly and among the assemblies (Acts 2:44 and Romans 15:25-26)
24) A brief statement on the sufferings of the Apostle Paul as seen in the Epistles of the Corinthians

The Corinthian Repository_9-20

9. A Brief Statement on the Glory of Christ – From the Second Epistle to the Corinthians
10. ‘The god of this world’
11. Christian in the face of Satanic Wiles, Death and the Judgment Seat
12. A Brief note on 2 Corinthians 12:12
13. New Covenant, New Creation and the Reconciliation
14. A Brief Observation on 2 Corinthians 4:7
15. On the Churches of Galatia and Macedonia
16. ‘Dying together and Living together’
17. Motives of Christian Giving (Romans 15:27 and 2 Corinthians 8:8,9)
18. Unbelievers
19. The Apostle’s Beseeching
20. Compromise – Within and Without (1 Corinthians 5:2 and 2 Corinthians 11:4)

Fragmentary Thoughts and Reflections_6-7

6. Reflections In The Book of Esther (Part 1) – The Four Points To Remember: A Short Prologue
7. Reflections During The Worship and Remembrance on Lord’s Day Morning

The Corinthian Repository_1-8

1. God's Wisdom and Power: 1 Corinthians 1
2. The Mind of Christ (I Cor. 2)
3. Paul: the Architect, the Steward, the Apostle and a Father (1 Corinthians 3 and 4)
4. False Knowledge, True Knowledge, Weak Conscience and the Triumph of Christian Love (1 Corinthians)
5. Rights Deprived In The World But Rights Forgone In The Church – (1 Corinthians)
6. Temple of God: Assembly or the Believer’s Body? (1 Corinthians)
7. Rewards for what?! (1Corinthians)
8. Prejudice (I Cor. 12)

Fragmentary Thoughts and Reflections_1-5

1. Glimpses Of Christ As Seen Through The 'Song of Degrees' (Psalm 120 – Psalm 134)
2. A Sample Thought About The Jewish Remnant Discussed In A Meeting

3. The Duality Of Divine Purposes In History: Psalm 135 and Psalm 136
4. How Do You Proceed To The ‘Hallelujah Psalms’?
5. Thoughts Reflected In Worship On The Lord's Day Morning

Notes of a Reading on Civil Government
Brief Notice of "The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God" by D.A. Carson
Meditations - Nos. 43-47
Blindness: Siloam and Bartimaeus
The Debate between the Two Trees
Simeon and Caiaphas -- On the Cross
A Short Analysis of an Article on the Nature and State of Man
The Three Truths that the World Hates
Prayer: What is its Use?
On Joy in Johannine Writings
On the Cross (John 19) - Excerpts from a Gospel Message
Reply to the State of Condition: Being a Response to Certain Points Raised
The Sockets and the Veil
The New Song

The Calvary Excellence
The Judgment Hall and the Judgment Seat
Mt Horeb and the Prophet
The Beginnings of Scripture
Meditations on the Lord's Supper - (I-IX)

A Few Remarks on Worship, Spiritual Sacrifices etc.
A Short Note on Slavery during the Roman Empire
A Short Note on Providence
Notes of an Address on Romans 5:6-11
Beholding the Glory of Christ in the Present Dispensation
Christianity and Philosophy Contrasted -- Brief Outline
The Use of Musical Instruments in the Church- Is it Scriptural?
The Oresteia Examined
"Father, Glorify Thy Name"
"Jesus Christ is Lord"
Joshua's Last Words
A Short Statement on the Melchisedec Priesthood
A Sign from Heaven

Summary of Thoughts shared on the Lord's day at YMCA, Secunderabad
Solomon's Temple: A Short Thought on Forgiveness, Restoration and Prayer
The Translation of Elijah
Exchange No. 5 (Samuel's Response)
Of the Dignity and Character of the Prophetic Office of Christ
An Issue of Blood
A Note on Colossians
Brief Thoughts on the Eternal Sonship of Christ
Notes on Hebrews - Part 3 (Chapters 1-2)
Notes on Hebrews - Part 2 (Overview)
Exchanges - Nos. 3-4
Notes on Hebrews - Part 1 (Introduction)
"Art Thou a King then?"
On the Olive, Fig, and the Vine
Exchanges - Nos. 1-2 ('Ecclesia Unbound')
Meditations - Nos. 37-42
An Enquiry into the History of Exchanges - Part 1
On Law and Grace
Bible Cosmology?
"Speaking the truth in love"
Meditations - Nos. 29-36
The Passover and its Lessons
A Meditation on the Trinity
Regarding Signs and Miracles and other Subjects
Remembrances - Nos.1-3
Evaluation of the Councils on the Stand of Trinity
Notes of an Address on I Peter 2:21-3:17
A Short Note on II Peter
A Brief Report of the Lord's Work in Andhra
"That which was from the Beginning" -Notes of an Address on I John 1
Meditations - Nos. 21-28

Noah - Notes of a Youth Meeting (2015)
Notes and Reflections on the Lord's Prayer
A Few Lines on John the Baptist
Enoch - Notes of a Youth Meeting
Notes of Travels - Cambridge, MA
Synopsis of Ezekiel
Idolatry (Part 1)
Meditations - Nos. 13-20
Shepherd Care with Godly Rule
The Present Day Greek Crisis in the Light of Prophecy
Short Reflections on the Life of Mary, the Mother of our Lord
Naomi - A Journey from Godless Ambition to Gracious Restoration
Worship - Under the Leading of the Spirit -
A Brief Report of the Lord's Work in Andhra, India
Meditations - Nos. 7-12
Meditations -No. 6 (Psalm 1)
Abraham in Egypt
Meditations -Nos. 1-5
Notes of Addresses on Prophetic Subjects - 2014-2015.
1. On the Role of Antichrist in Prophecy
2. On the Scope of Partial Judgments in Prophecy
3. The King of Sheshach
4. The God of Heaven
5. The Image and the Beasts
6. The Roman Revivalism in Europe
7. The Seven Churches which are in Asia
8. The Seven Churches which are in Asia (part 2)
9. The Seven Churches which are in Asia (part 3)
10. The Sons of Jacob (part 1)
11. The Sons of Jacob (part 2)
12. The Sons of Jacob (part 3)
13. The Sons of Jacob (part 4)
14. The Half Week of Daniel
15. The Seals and the Trumpets (part 1)
Christ the True Kinsman Redeemer
Being a Witness
Brethren, Let us not be ignorant...
Notes on 2nd Peter
A Few Observations on Christ's Triumph over the Serpent
Godly Rule and Order in the Assembly
Remarks on the Temple
A Brief Thought on Prayer
Remarks on Justification and New Creation
The Fellowship in the Gospel
Notes on Seven Assemblies of Revelation: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Notes on Micah 6:6-8
The Deity of Christ
A Short Note on Transfiguration