Exchanges - (No. 5)

Samuel's Response (1 Sam 3)


[Ezekiel L. & P. Ben.]

Samuel does not respond the way that he was told to by Eli. Samuel omits the name of God Jehovah- 'Speak, for thy servant heareth'. 

This is significant since Samuel led by prophetic instinct anticipates the dissolution of the covenant of Jehovah. Since, the covenant being broken, Jehovah ceases to identify Himself in relation with Israel by the covenant name of Jehovah. This is similar to the second book of Psalms where the remnant find that the link between God and the nation is broken.

Eli dies when he hears the ark is captured for that seals the fact that the covenant is dissolved and 'Ichabod' follows.

But Samuel carries in him, the favour of God. The linen ephod of Samuel is the type of Christ presently in the heavenlies when meanwhile on earth, the covenant with the nation stands broken. 

The hope for Israel, is the anointing of David by Samuel. Even so, the covenant that is now broken will be made effective when Christ now as Samuel will in the future return as David to be King on earth. 

It was David who brought back the ark to Jerusalem. This shows in a type, that it is Christ (Messiah) who will restore the covenantal relationship (on the basis of New Covenant) between the nation and Jehovah.


[Dec. 2016]