Exchanges - 'Ecclesia Unbound' (Nos. 1-2)
Being Notes of Exchanges by Ezekiel Livingstone, Satya Raj & P. Ben.

The Church at Jerusalem reveals the Messianic standard of rule, when as prophesied of Ezekiel (37:19-24), there was an evident substantiation to this effect. For the Greeks (ten tribes) and the Hebrews had their representation in the Jerusalem Church. Pertaining to pan global ambit of racial representation was the Church at Antioch.  Lucius and Simeon being identified with the habitations of Ham (Niger and Cyrene), Barnabas and Saul of the Shem, along with the Greek Manaen of the Japheth stock together bears in a figure, the principle of divine grace demonstrating equal privileges* for the Church in all her members. In practice, discrimination on grounds of race in the Church should be condemned. 

[*Privilege of standing justified before God in Christ.]

2. The Church and the State are not just distinguishable from each other but relate to each other in capacities as owned by God.  Two relationships exist: First, The Church as recognizing the government as set up by God (Rom 13) and securing through the government the pledge of harmony (1 Tim 2).  Secondly, the Church enabling the government (2 Thess. 7),  or the Holy Spirit dwelling in the Church preventing the fallout of civil powers against the antichristian anarchy. (This function ceases after the rapture of the Church, in which case government fails and the dragon establishes his government of anarchy- Rev.)

[September, 2016]