Meditations on the Lord's
Supper — (I-IX)
"My meditation of Him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD." —
Psalm 104:34.
Meditation I
In sweet remembrance of our King,
The Song of Songs we sing; (Song of Solomon 1:1)
Gazing upon Him, who was once crucified,
We show forth our adoration and love:
In everlasting praises to Him!
"Which is, and which was, and
Which is to come, the Almighty." (Rev. 1:8b)
Meditation II
By faith let us go forth therefore,
Unto Him outside the camp,
Bearing His reproach,
The reproach of the Cross;
Christ our Altar and Sacrifice,
Who suffered without the gate,
To sanctify us with His own blood; (Heb. 13)
Lo! "Jesus the Son of God" (Heb. 4)
Our Great High Priest and Head!
Bishop of our souls, ever living the same, (Heb. 1:12; 13:8)
Seated at the Majesty's right hand on high. (Heb. 1:3)
Meditation III
Of Thy love, Lord Jesus!
We now sing in unison,
‘Tis better than wine, (Song of Solomon 1)
‘Tis mightier than death and grave, (Matt. 27:52; I
Cor. 15:55)
O what refreshing consolations!
O what joys ineffable!
Our souls adore Thee, glorified Lord!
Meditation IV
The sacrifices of praise to Him, we offer—
'Tis our sacred privilege, honour, and duty;
And we tell of all His wondrous works:
Of Creation, and of
And more eminently of His Redemption.
Meditation V
Rejoice, my brethren, and let us give thanks—
For He Who was once dead is now risen! Risen indeed!
Victorious over sin, death, hell and Satan;
He now lives for evermore, enthroned on high! (Rev. 1)
Meditation VI
Rise, my soul, and behold Thy God!
The once crucified Lord is now risen!
He bids thee now to come to His Supper,
His Table, the King hath set before thee;
Rise, my soul, rise now from thy earthly rest,
And come with praises worthy of His love!
Meditation VII
Lord Jesus, how sweet is Thy Name!
We sing in remembrance of Thee!
Of Thy love so tender and boundless,
All Thy Father's secret counsels revealing,
In saving and calling us into Thy fellowship. (I Cor. 1)
Meditation VIII
Seated around His Table in silence,
And gazing upon Jesus alone,
Enjoying all of His loveliness,
We His everlasting song raise. (Rev. 1)
Amidst the Assembly, (Heb. 2)
The Beloved is present—
Where two or three gathered to His Name, (Matt. 18)
There He is!—O what blessed assurance!
The blest emblems there before us,
Reminding us of His holy love—
Love all transcendent and glorious,
Revealed there in His precious death. (I Cor. 11)
His worthy Name we now exalt,
With praises of our glorious Lord,
He who loved and gave Himself for us—
To Him be everlasting glory and dominion. Amen. (Rev. 1)
Meditation IX
Redeemed by Thy precious blood,
We in Thy blest presence now sing—
The adoring and praise worthy hymns,
In sweet remembrance of Thee, O dearest Lord!
Jan. 20, 2018.