John 19: On the
Cross (Excerpts from a Gospel Message)
P.B [July 2019]
The first scenes that attend on us in this chapter, is that of the soldiers hurrying to mock and mistreat the Lord's dignity of Person.
The crown of thorns and the purple robe (verse 2) signifies the two essential threads of human civilization: art and power.
Art in humans, as diverse and opulent it may be as a crown etched by hands and skill: still carried the tincture of thorns. It was a crown, but made of thorns. This is the history of art in the sight of divine reckoning. The best of human enterprise, was a mere extended version of inside agony and suffering. The next was the purple robe, signifying power. Mankind was tormented by the algorithm of politics and power.
Into this world, that was heavily indexed by challenges of power and degradation of civilization (art), Christ was manifested and was tried and tested.
Being tested in the world, Christ perfect' humanity was proven: 'behold the Man!' (Pilate's confession - verse 5). This is the great revelation and presentation of the Person of Christ - His perfect humanity and righteousness under the law.
In our chapter, we have several distinct sections dealing with soldiers, and it is my desire, to present those portions that specifically relate to the context where soldiers are involved, as I believe that this is a solemn study as to meditate on the Person of the Lord, as He was conveyed around and ill treated by the soldiers.
First section, we have seen as to how, when the soldiers ridiculed the Lord as an imposter king, Pilate gave the confession that He was indeed *the Man* (singularity of His unique manhood, as the righteous One).
Next, cross referencing with the synoptic gospels, we find
that the soldiers have led the Lord to
The rugged hillock of
In Matthew, it is referred to as the accusation, in Mark, it is superscription of the accusation, in Luke it is the superscription while in John, it is just the *title*. Brethren. Do you know what this implies? It means that the *accusation* made by men about Christ was pinned on the cross, (as narrated in Matthew), but this in the sight of divine perspective, changed to a *title* of glory and honour for Christ (as narrated in John). Man presents the accusation, but God's providence through the hand of Pilate, re-interprets the event to be a title of glory: He is the King (divine Messiah). And this title, assumes the universal currency of knowledge - Greek, Latin and Hebrew.
A godly Jew would be happy to know about Psalm 2, where the
anointed is set on
Next. We have the soldiers taking the garments of the Lord. Now, there were two sets: the outer garments (four parts) and the inner tunic.
I would like all of you to note the tunic. It is without seam (verse 23). In the old testament, the high priest' clothing was without seam. Here, we find the high priestly work of atoning transaction.
We have around the cross, four women mentioned - each signifying an idea and message (verse 25).
Mary, the mother of Jesus the Lord reminds us about Simeon's prophecy fulfilled - a sword shall pierce through her heart'. This brings in the new narrative, of a family. At the cross, a mother finds a son and a son finds a mother (verse 26, 27) The new relationships emerge sequestered and anointed by the love of Christ.
Next, cross referencing we have Salome, the mother of Zebedee's children. This reminds us about her asking the Lord, to allow each of her two sons to sit on either side of the Lord in the coming kingdom, but the response was an invitation to drink the cup of suffering and to be baptized with sufferings. Salome presents the invitation of the cross, for all to partake of Christ sufferings by faith.
Next, we have the wife of Cleophas (
Next we have Mary Magdalene, the one who was delivered from 7 demons by the Lord. She signifies the redemptive power of the cross, in delivering us from the thralldom of satanic power and bondage.
Around the cross, if we had four parted garments involving the wicked soldiers: we have still the cross, all around it four beautiful ideas and themes: family, discipleship and suffering, inclusivity and liberation from Satanic power!
Then, again the soldiers appear in verses 32 and 33.
Here, the soldiers wanted to kill Jesus, but when they came to understand that He was already dead, a soldier wanted to re-check the fact that He has died by piercing His side.
This portrays the ultimate antagonism of the world towards the Lord. It is not enough for Him to die, the world wants to re-check His death.
But the utmost act of brutal coldness was met with 'blood and water'. The blood signifies judicial cleansing available for the sinner, and the water signifies the moral cleansing of the heart for communion and grace with God. Atonement, the richest gift is given in return for the most brutal act of piercing.
John, speaks of two reasons why the record is true and why his witness is true:
Firstly, a bone of him was not broken (verse 36) and second, they that pierced Him shall look on Him (verse 37). The former is prophecy fulfilled in Christ, while the latter is the unmistakable vindication of His resurrective power and return - He shall come again. This last section of the soldiers involvement, brings in the prophetic qualities of the cross in all its glory.
First, the perfect Personhood, next the King, next the Priest (as on the day of Atonement), and lastly the prophetic.
If anybody has not trusted on Lord Jesus, may the sweet savour of the cross touch your heart, to trust Him, His Person, His work and His resurrection. If you do not, you have miscalculated yourself for all eternity, and you will be suffering eternal damnation and hell. It is God's desire that none should perish and that all must be saved by trusting in the Lord Jesus.
For those of you, who are already trusted believers in the Lord, may these glimpses of the Cross help and nurture deep love and thankfulness for what the Lord has done for us. God bless!