Prayer: What is
its use?
P.B [July 20, 2019]
The Ephesian epistle also serves as a catalogue of Pauline prayers.
The first prayer mentioned is in Ch1:16,
and the second prayer is placed at Ch 3:14 and finally, a touch of instruction
on prayer given in Ch 6:18 - all together, scoring up to three distinct prayer
Let's dig in the first prayer- laced passage - Ch 1:16.
Here, the *apostle uses prayer as a means to be enlightened about doctrine*.
This is crucial and the crux element of need for his Ephesian audience. They
had to appreciate a whole series of doctrinal positions and exegetical genres
for Christian growth and maturity: like Christian calling, about Christ death,
about His resurrection, and about His ascension and the organic vitality of
church administration (verses 16- 23). Here is a terrific line of doctrinal
traffic imposed over the heads of the Ephesian Christians, as a virtue of
blessing snorkeling all the spectrum of a Christian's
testimony. But how can this doctrinal issues be
enlightened? How can we assimilate the bearing of such exegesis? Its simple. Prayer holds the key to doctrinal enlightenment
(ch.1:16,17). Prayer precipitates knowledge and
insight into doctrine (v18).
Now, we get to the second passage - Ch 3:14. Here, Paul uses
prayer to cut through the barriers of inactivity, and nudge knowledge bound
heads, and doctrine to converge into a practical translation of day to day
In the first chapter, its doctrine - its
about Christ seated in the heavenly places. But, here in chapter three, Paul
prompts his readers to think of Christ, not in heaven but in the heart by means
of faith (v 17). This is doctrine crystallized out as practical vibrance of
devotion and love in the Lord Jesus Christ (verses 16-21)
What then is necessary, and of paramount importance, to gain
an edge in living a practical life of a Christian? Yes. Its strength, its
faith, its power of the Spirit (v16,17). But, then how
do we arrive on such manifold virtues? It's simple. Prayer holds the key to
solving the puzzle of practical Christian life. Prayer rallies behind all the
juggernaut challenges of our life, all the conflicting pitches on our life, and
streamlines them into a perfect chemistry of stunning practice.
Lastly, we get to the sixth chapter and verse 18. Unlike how
prayer was earlier served for doctrinal insights, and practical application:
*prayer here in the sixth chapter, is used by the apostle as a weapon to fight
the devil*.
Here, prayer enters into the subliminal operations of the Christian's
mind in his spiritual power, used against the enemy. Prayer
servers to rip the fabric of satanic deception and diminish demonic projectiles
to a nullity. Prayer liquidates the strongholds
of Satan.