Synopsis of the Book of Ezekiel.

P. Ben

Sep. 2015.

Ch 1:  It is Christ in providential power* employing the instrument of Gog. It is not ‘Lord God’ as in the KJV but instead ‘Lord LORD’- ‘Adonai Jehovah’ which is the title used in this book. In Isaiah 6- the prophet sees the Lord Jesus Christ as Adonai (Lord) and Jehovah in the same Person (v1 and v5) - refer John 12:41.

[*It is only in the book of Revelation that the remnant is seen to be divinely capacitated to enter into a higher level of prophetic insight than they could reach in Ezekiel 1 or in Isaiah 6; since in Rev 4 it is the union of the Ezekiel’s cherubic with the Isaiah’s seraphic- four faces plus six wings. In Rev 4, it is the remnant of Israel taken up (as was John) in prophetic thought to be occupied with creation and Sabbath- for Israel is center to this creation. In Rev 4, the remnant discovers that Jehovah employs both cherubic and seraphic instruments in providence. In Rev 5, the remnant discovers that Jehovah in providence is the rejected Messiah (Lamb) Himself- operating hidden- the seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent into all the earth (v6), but the remnant consider the Lamb standing and the elders having each a harp and bowls of incenses, which are the prayers of the saints. The remnant though on earth are provided with comforting thoughts of their own Messiah in providential power and the courses of the twenty four chief priests (1 Chronicles 24) in heaven representing the interests of the persecuted remnant below. Previously in Rev 2 and 3, the remnant belonging to the Pentecostal church, pass their sojourn here on earth- ‘If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?’ (John 21:22). The remnant belonging to the church on earth in Rev 2 and 3 appears in Heaven from Rev 4 onwards, as the elders; but the remnant on earth from Rev 4 onwards is a remnant according to Jewish elect on earth.]

Ch 2-3: In Ezekiel, the prophetic testimony is at its last stage- inevitable judgment. Here, one finds himself in the end- the tongue cleaves to the roof of the mouth- silence is maintained (Ch3:26). The glad tidings of the kingdom, is preached before the end is come, not after (Matt 24:14), for when the end is come- it is only fleeing to the mountains (Matt 24:16 and Rev 12:14). In Rev 11, the remnant on earth witness what they see in Rev 10. Their testimony in Rev 11 touches heaven, waters and the earth (v6) since they own the rights of Christ Himself over the sea, earth and heaven (Rev 10:5,6)- the universal subjection to Christ- heavenly places, civilized and the uncivilized earth. The two witnesses of Rev 11 have to do with the little book of Rev 10- which is a ministry exercised to all the world- to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings (v11). The three and half year’s ministry of the remnant (two witnesses) is in the first half week, for the second (last) half week is the remnant’s endurance against the tide of evil- as in Rev 11:19, where the ark is seen as in Jordan sustaining the energies of the remnant- this theme goes on till Ch 14. Beginning from Rev 15, the temple (not ark) is seen (v5) - since here it is not divine strengthening of the remnant but divine retribution (wrath of God) against their enemies. The two witnesses (reconciling the ministry of Moses and Elijah) after having completed their ministry are killed by the beast (Rev 11:7). What follows is the three days and half (Rev11:9) - which is the second (last) half week (three and half years) during which the other class of martyrs (slain for having gained victory over the image of the beast- Rev 15:2) begin. At the end- we have the last resurrection of all the martyred ones (Rev 11:11) - for the book of Revelation itself ends in Rev 11:18.

In Ezekiel, we have to do without the beast or his image since the history of the beast itself is not treated in this book. The beast’s history; not being treated, presents a peculiar treatment of the end times. It is prophecy without the first beast of Rev 13 and yet being complete in itself. In Ezekiel 3:3, there is sweetness as honey in the mouth but no bitterness of the belly as in Rev 10:10- for both the prophetic testimonies are different.

Ch 4-7: In Ezekiel 4, a significant point is unfolded- national judgment for failure under the law brings in Deuteronomy 28:49-52. It is Gog.

The apparent confusion of the years (390 and 40) in Ezekiel 4 is to enable us to step beyond rationalizing history on mere historicity of names and to consider rather the leading principles of divine judgment.

The forty years of Judah is the Solomon’s reign (1 kings 11:42). The three hundred and ninety years of Israel is simply Judah from Rehoboam to Zedekiah (Jerusalem’s fall). Here, the consideration in the main is the principle that when the time of judgment has come, Judah* (2 tribes) or Samaria (10 tribes) assumes the position of responsible Israel before God in judgment according to the law and its responsibility, and suffers as Israel.

[*Judah is guilty of Christ’s death unlike Samaria- but still when Judah flees into the wilderness- she does as a woman having on her head a crown of twelve stars- Rev 12 (judged as Israel)]

In Ezekiel 5-7, we have the seventh vial*of Rev 16 itself (in anticipation) - the great city divided into three parts (Ezek 5:2-12). Gog would fill the land- upon the four corners of the land (Ezek 7:2). It is Gog (Assyrian) - ‘and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel’ (Isaiah 8:8).

[*Judgment under the law brings in Gog (historically- Assyrian and Chaldea) while judgment for rejecting Christ brings in Gog too (besides antichristian persecution)-‘Forasmuch as this people refuseth the waters of Shiloah that go softly, and rejoice in Rezin and Remaliah’s son’ (Isaiah 8:6)- the king of Assyria (Gog) is sent against the nation. In Isaiah 6, the nation is judicially blinded (Matt 13:14) with the exception of the remnant that is to pass through persecution (coals of fire brought by Seraphim). In Isaiah 6:13, the nation resumes its national life- ‘but yet in it shall be a tenth and it shall return’. In Isaiah 7, we have the history of antichristian development (conspiracy against the house of David- rejection of the Messianic hopes- ‘Let us make a breach therein for us, and set a king in the midst of it, even the son of Tabeal’ (v6) but despite which- hopes of a remnant (Shearjashub- a remnant shall return) and promise of deliverance by Immanuel (Christ) is given. In Isaiah 8, we have Gog (Mahershalalhashbaz-quick to the plunder). Thus, the whole history of development is provided- after the national identity has been resumed in the modern times. First we have antichristian development (Isaiah 7) and then we have the infiltration by Gog (Isaiah 8). In Isaiah 9, Gog is destroyed by Christ- ‘thou hast broken the yoke of his burden’ (v4) and Christ rules (v6-7).  In Rev 12, we have both- the woman flees into the wilderness (Book 2 of Psalms- antichristian persecution begins) and secondly, ‘coming up over all his channels, and go over all his banks’ (Isaiah 8:7)- which is the same as the waters cast out of the serpent’s mouth against the woman (Rev 12:15)- it is Gog’s inroad. Rezin (Syria) and Pekah (Israel) constitute in a figure the antichristian power- for ‘arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength’ (Dan 11:31) - provides that the false prophet (antichrist) of the future day exercises his political power when he is in geographical possession of the territories held historically by Antiochus- ‘arms shall stand on his part’. It is Syria and Israel combined that is brought under the antichristian power (of course, he exerciseth all the power of the first beast- Rev 13). It is Abaddon (Hebrew) and Apollyon (Greek) of the fifth trumpet.]

Ch 8-11: It is the peculiar sin of Judah- rejecting the glory of Jehovah in the Person of Christ. The result is- Christ ascends from Olives (compare Acts 1:12and 11:23) and secondly- we have here a pseudo remnant- instead of the good hundred and twenty (Acts 1:15), we have the primacy of evil- seventy* in their dark chambers, twenty five idolaters and twenty five wicked princes (together an hundred and twenty). The instrument of judgment and also the promise of restoration is given- the former is Gog and the nations (cherubic) and the latter is the new covenant (Ezek 11:19-20).These chapters present to us glimpses of antichristian national life.

[*The elders say-‘Jehovah seeth us not’ (Ezek 8:12, Ezekiel 9:9). But Christ entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple and had looked round about upon all things (Mark 11:11). Historically, it is a significant event- the glory of God leaving the temple but prophetic enquiry inches back to see divinely provided analogies as proven true in every case.]

Ch 12: Ezekiel 12 presents to us a break from the previous chapters. In Ezekiel 11, Christ has ascended from the Mount of Olives (Jehovah’s economy on earth suspended- till Christ again sets His feet upon the Mount of Olives- Zech 14:4 (then Jehovah’s economy on earth is resumed).

From Ezekiel 12 till Ezekiel 33, we have the state of affairs during Christ’s absence on earth (the beast and the church omitted).

Ezekiel 12 brings in the Antichristian beginnings in Israel- the power of darkness. It is the moral captivity of the nation to Babylon (spiritual) where the chief instrument for this captive influence is the Prince (v12) himself (Antichrist). 

In Zech 4, the divine counsels for Israel- a nation that is to be a light of Jehovah (seven lamped candlestick) in the energies of the Spirit (golden oil) in relation to the Melchizedek  office of Christ (two olive trees) is provided. In Zech 5, the reverse happens- instead of the one candlestick and two olive trees (true Jewish state), we have one woman (sitting in an ephah) and two women- the prophecy that in the future, the returned exiles from Babylon would inevitably find themselves once again under the moral captivity of Babylon (to build it an house in the land of Shinar- Zech 5:11). Shinar, here is not literal but moral. In Zech 4, the counsels of God are presented. In Zech 5, moral perversions opposed to the counsels of God are presented (v5-11).

‘Digging through the wall’- in Ezek 12 brings in the conflict of Gethsemane*.

[* One of the subjects of thought as regards to Gethsemane and the Jewish Sanhedrin before whom Lord Jesus Christ was presented- is concerned with Chapters 21-23 (Law) of Exodus. It presents to us the perfection of the blessed Man, Lord Jesus Christ under the Law while at the same time bringing out to open the guilt of the nation in violating the law. To be short- Exodus 21 brings in the Hebrew servant (Christ, Himself- the Servant of Jehovah who takes to Him the perpetual servant hood in love at the cost of experiencing the cross- ‘bore his ear through an aul); further certain laws concerning injury- the scuffles in the shadows of Gethsemane- the ear smitten- Peter (remnant) guilty of smiting the servant of the high priest- (Exodus 21:18-27), but the restitution paid by Christ- the healing and the punishment borne as a Substitute; further we have the instance of an ox goring the servant for which thirty shekels of silver was the price to be paid to the master (Exodus 21:32)- The nation killed Christ, the Servant of Jehovah- but the thirty pieces of silver was given to Judas (antichrist) and not to Jehovah- a violation of law. Exodus 23 brings in false reports- ‘thou shalt not raise a false report’ but Matt 26:59- ‘Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus’- a travesty of law. Exodus 22 brings in the law concerning theft (v2) - ‘If a thief be found breaking up’- it is ‘makhtereth’- an expression which in Ezekiel is used to refer to the stealth of wicked machinations at work.]

In Ezekiel 8, the elders worship secretly in the chambers of their imagery- this surreptitious religion is unfolded to the prophet when he digs the wall (v8) - for the act of the prophet bears the falsity of its prophetic object. In Ezekiel 12:7, it is the wiles of Satan engaging the Prince to lead captive the nation to the tentacles of Babylonian apostasy- an act done slyly as a thief to the ignorance of the nation. In Gethsemane, the nation accuses Christ for the crimes of Judas the thief (antichrist) - the Lord’s own words prove- ‘as against a thief, with swords and staves?’

But the remnant owns the judgment on the nation for accepting this insidious captive influence of the antichrist- the judgment being Gog’s assault (Ezek 12:17-28).     

Ch 13: Ezekiel 13 brings in the vault of falseness. If the remnant owns God’s judgment in Ezekiel 12, the apostate mass in Ezek 13 disregard the prophetic testimony borne by the remnant in previous chapter- ‘and which see visions of peace’ (v16).

Ezekiel 13 is a mala imitation of Joel’s oracular- sons and daughter’s prophesying. It is the effect of a false covenant in progress- both men and women (v17) prophesy deceit. 

Ch 14-15: Ezekiel 14 presents to us the nature of the last judgment- ‘four sore judgments upon Jerusalem, the sword, and the famine, and the noisome beast, and the pestilence’ (v21) - compare Ezek 5:16, 17.

In prophecy, judgment first strikes Jerusalem (Land) and then spreads to the whole world- first the city is smitten (Isaiah 24:10) and then the whole world (kings of the earth-Isaiah 24:21), and further touching the wicked spirits-‘Jehovah will punish the host of the high ones on high’ (Isaiah 24:21).  

Jerusalem is at the center of prophecy- either in judgment or in blessing. But, it is only in Revelation, that the sources of judgment and even blessing are revealed to begin elsewhere- a peculiarity. The seals bring in the hidden counsels of God- which when revealed- puts Christendom as the focal point*.

[* The fourth seal introduces the four sore judgments on the fourth^ of the earth. The seventh seal introduces the trumpets- the first four trumpets expanding from fourth to a third part. The fifth and the sixth trumpet coalescing Europe, Israel and Syria- Turkey (the lands that were touched by the apostolic activity in the past). And then in Rev 10, we have the little book (Old Testament prophecy). In Rev 11, Old Testament prophecy begins (the sixth trumpet though opening in Ch9 ends in Old Testament realization) - the tenth of the city fell (Jerusalem)-Ch 11:13. Finally, the whole world is judged under the seventh trumpet- ‘the nations have been full of wrath, and thy wrath is come’-Rev11:18. The sources- first begin within a part of Christendom, then covering the whole Christendom, then bringing in the whole land which was covered under the apostolic activity of the first century and finally the whole world- (But Jerusalem is smitten (Rev 11:13) before the whole world is judged; keeping in line the anticipations of the prophets.)]

[^The four sore judgments of the fourth seal (Rev 6:7-8) cannot be Ezekiel 14- for the little book begins from Rev 11.]

In Ezekiel 15, the nation (vine) is to be judged.

To conclude- Ezek 12 brings in the antichrist. Ezek 13 presents the antichristian nation. Ezek 14 and 15 brings in the anticipation of the coming judgments.

Ch 16-19: It is the concerns of ancient Judah (2 tribes). They were historically taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar- but only some returned to the land. In Ezek 16-19, the destiny of the unreturned two tribes is taken up. In other words, that part of Judah which had not returned to commit the second sin of Christ’s rejection is dealt here. The subject here is ancient Judah’s sins, the folly of her kings and her prejudice against Jehovah and her final restoration.

But the principles behind the judgment of Judah are applicable as straight drawn analogies for the present nation of Israel which in the mind of God has assumed the character of Judah.

In Ezek 14 and 15, we have anticipations of judgment but the instruments and the causes unfold in the following chapters.

Ezekiel 16 declares the sins of the nation- the unlawful unison with antichristian spheres of geographical influence- Egypt, Assyria and Chaldea (v26, 28 and 29). In Ezekiel 16, it is assumed that the antichrist has reached up to Dan 11:43*. Still the tidings have not come (Dan 11:44).

[*Dan11 is entirely about the antichrist- himself and his prototypes. There is no break in v40. The king of the north against whom Egypt rebels is antichrist himself- since he possesses the territories which were formally under the historical king of north –Antiochus. The antichrist prior to his assault on Egypt (Dan 11:42) under the title of king of north is already in geographical possession of Chaldea (as in Isaiah 14:12- where he is referred to as Lucifer) and of course- he is in possession of the geographical north of Israel (Assyria) - as was Antiochus.]  

Ezekiel 17 brings in the intrusion of Gog into the geo-politics of antichristian Israel. It is the decimation of the hopes and confidence of the nation in the antichrist- who had made a covenant with the many to protect them from Gog. As and when the power of Gog is felt in the land- the derelictions of the antichrist is clearly seen. The covenant made between the antichrist and the nation- ‘and thou wentest to the king with ointment, and didst increase thy perfumes, and didst send thy messengers far off, and didst debase thyself even unto hell’ (Isaiah 57:9) - is now in crisis since the antichrist withdraws himself to preserve his newly acquired Egyptian territory- ‘this vine did bend her roots toward him, and shot forth her branches toward him*’ (Ezek 17:7) - instead of honoring the covenant made to protect Israel. It is the solemn realization of Isaiah 28:18- ‘and your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it’.

[*In prophetic typology- individuals often display either the unionism or seceding of powers. In Dan 11:30, ‘the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant’- this is historical Antiochus but still it is the providential succession of future day crisis. It is only when the Roman comes; that the antichrist in total cooperation with the Roman vents his ire against the Jews- Pilate and Herod became friends, though inimical previously- Luke 23:12. Here in Ezek 17, Zedekiah turns to Pharaoh- but this, prophetically is a figure of the king (antichrist) clinging on to his Egyptian geographical influence. ]

Ezekiel 17 points out to the breaking of the covenant but still this insidious character of antichristian strategy would fail- for the antichristian influence would be subdued by Gog (which is now in possession of Babylon- {which means the antichrist had lost his influence in the territories that he had previously occupied}). But in the counsels of God- Gog is only an instrument; the antichrist is to be replaced for Christ (Ezek 17:22-23) - it is Shebna (antichrist) replaced for Eliakim (Christ) - Isaiah 22:15-24 (Compare Rev 3:7).

Ezek 18 is not Jehovah’s direct economy but providential. Back in Ex 34, there is visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, but here it is individual-‘the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father’ (Ezek 18:20). Facing imminent judgment- the Jew has to decide. A parallel development is Isaiah 28:16, when Gog is coming. Similarly, Isaiah 8:13-18 (Seeking the law and the testimony) but in contrast the apostate turn to occultism (Isaiah 8:19- the figure of Saul consulting the medium at Endor).

Ezek 19 is a mystical testimony of the inroad of the nations. The leadership in the nation suffers crisis at a time when the nations are attacking. With Gog’s fear at the threshold (Jehoiachin’s captivity- 2 Kings 24), and the antichristian influence relegated to Egypt (Jehoahaz subjection to Pharaoh-nechoh- 2 Kings 23). In Ezek 19- we have the attack of the nations against Jerusalem.

Ezek 20:1-44 is a break – it brings in ancient Samaria (ten tribes) and the purging of the rebels in the wilderness*.

[* Unlike Judah guilty of rejecting the blessed Lord Jesus Christ, Samaria is judged in the wilderness.]

From Ezek 20:45 onwards- the slaughter of the nations (including the land of Israel) by Gog begins- ‘a consumption, and [one] determined, upon the whole land’- Isaiah 28:22.

Ch 20:45-Ch21: Gog~ is coming against the nations^. This signals the total dismantling of the antichristian power* in Israel- ‘and thou profane, wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, at the time of the iniquity of the end’ (Ezek 21:25). The pseudo-messianic power (antichrist) is to be replaced by the true Messianic kingdom where Lord Jesus gloriously reigns- ‘until he come whose right it is’ (Ezek 21:27). 

[~In prophetic types- Nebuchadnezzar presents to us the expansion of the Gentile power over the whole world- bearing resemblance to the final takeover of the world by Gog-(Habakkuk), while Belshazzar presents to us the fall of Gog- ‘the heart melteth, and the knees smite together’ (Nahum 2:10). In Ezekiel’s prophecy, Nebuchadnezzar is Gog’s brainchild of action and expansionism (typologically).]

[^Gog goes against the nations- Israel or Ammon makes no difference (Ezek 21:21).]

[*The destruction of the antichrist is an Old Testament revelation- ‘for Topheth is prepared of old; for the king also it is prepared’ (Isaiah 29:33). It is in Revelation that the antichrist (false prophet) perishes along with the beast- Rev19. Here in Ezekiel- it is only the geographical influence of the antichrist that gets destroyed- not the person himself.]

Ch 22-23: It is ancient Judah’s judgment- but typically it is Gog’s coming. Oholah (Samaria) was displaced by Assyria (type of Gog) - even Oholibah (Jerusalem) would be destroyed by Gog*.

[* The reason for judgment is the nation’s connections with the wicked spheres of influence- Egypt, Assyria and Babylon which would soon be subdued by Gog. The attack by the nations and the attack by Gog as concerns Israel is to be distinguished- the former being Ps 79 (nations) while the latter being Ps 74 (an enemy-Assyrian). ]

Ch 24: Gog draws near Jerusalem. The following chapters - (Ezek 25-32) is a prophetic testimony of Gog attacking the nations (including Jerusalem). Gog is accompanied by his companions*- Persia (Iran) and Gomer (Turkey)-(Ezek 38:5).

[* Gog assaults the nations along with his racial brothers- Gomer, Magog and Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech- all who are the sons of Japheth (Gen 10:2). The nations being assaulted are the sons of Ham and the sons of Shem.]

Ch 25 and Ch 26 of Ezekiel- bring in Dan 11:44- ‘tidings out of the east and out of the north’- the decimation of the antichristian power in Palestine has begun.

Ch 25: Moab and Ammon is taken over by the children of the east (eastern armies- those in alliance with Gog). Edom is to be punished by Israel. Philistia is judged as well.

Ch 26-28: We are introduced to an important antichristian power base in the middle east- Tyre.

Ezek 26 and 27 presents Gog (Nebuchadnezzar) attacking the antichristian geographical economic centre in Palestine- Tyre.

Ezek 28 brings in Herod the king of Acts 12*.

[*In Acts 12, the prophetic images are brought to play- the Jews and Herod (the ungodly nation and the antichrist) slay the remnant of God (James) who walk in the steps of the blessed Messiah-(as Christ was bound in connection with the feast of the Passover) - even so Peter’s seizure was during the days of the unleavened bread- but the remnant is delivered by the power of God. But the Tyrians and the Sidonians sought peace with Herod (antichrist) - ‘because their country was nourished by the king’s (v20)-{In Ezekiel 28- we have both Tyre and Sidon (v20) - centers subject to the antichristian influence}. Further, Herod’s royal apparel, elevated seat and a ‘god’s voice and not a man’s’- is struck down by divine judgment- Ezek 28:2- ‘thou hast said, I am a god, I sit in the seat of God, in the heart of seas, (and thou art a man, and not God). In the book of Ezekiel, we do not have the first beast of Rev 13 - we do not find here the subjects of antichristian influence in the Latin earth {as we have in Revelation}.]

Ezek 28 combines the antichristian character of kingship and false prophet*.

[*Daniel 8 is not about the Assyrian- an important consideration. Daniel 7 is about the first beast of Rev 13. Daniel 8 and 9 is about the same person- antichrist (the second beast of Rev 13) but shown under two capacities. Dan 8 presents the antichrist as a gentile (Greek) in possession of territories located north to Israel (as was Antiochus historically). Dan 9 presents the antichrist as a Jewish prince (impersonating Messiah the Prince). In Dan 8^, the antichrist stops the sacrifices (v 12) as a gentile. In Dan 9, the antichrist stops the sacrifices (the sacrifice and the oblation to cease-v27) because it is what the true Messiah did- Christ presents the emblems of the new covenant to the remnant and it is at the end of three and an half years- that the veil is rent (formal Judaism and its sacrifices is stopped). The antichrist similarly makes a covenant with the many (not with the remnant) for one week and at the end of three and an half years- ‘and in the midst of the week’ (Dan 9:27) stops the sacrifices and persecutes the nation (totally unlike what the blessed Lord did). In the act of stopping the sacrifices- the antichrist combines both ends- as a Greek and as a pseudo Jewish Messiah. In Daniel 10-12, we have the providential history of how the events of Dan 7, 8 and 9 are realized in time. In Ezekiel 28- we have the antichrist as a false prophet who understands riddles (Dan 8:23) - a kind of teacher- ‘behold thou art wiser than Daniel- Ezek 28:3).]

[^ In Dan 8:24- ‘and his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power’ – does not import that the king of North is supported by Russia or some other power. It means that the antichrist- who is in geographical possession of the territories north to Israel- is helped by another power- {undoubtedly the Roman beast of Rev 13.}]

Ch 29: Ezek 29 brings an important sequence- Gog attacks Tyre (the antichristian power) but midway* attacks Egypt. Egypt is now fully under the power of antichrist- since the antichrist under the title of the king of North had annexed Egypt, Libyan’s and the Ethiopians (Dan 11:43). 

[*Gog attacks Tyre (antichristian power in Palestine) but abruptly attacks Egypt (the new antichristian centre of influence) - refer to the historical analogous development (by Nebuchadnezzar) in Ezek 29:19, 20. After Gog’s defeating the antichristian influence in Egypt; Tyre and Sidon (which are the antichristian centers in Palestine) are destroyed as well. In Isaiah 23:5- ‘When the report came into Egypt, they were sorely pained at the news of Tyre’ (JND). Here, in Isaiah 23:5-Egypt, which is the new antichristian centre of influence - is troubled to hear that Tyre (another antichristian power) is being attacked. To be short- Isaiah 18 brings in modern Israel’s establishment by means of a power situated beyond the rivers of Cush (English peoples). Isaiah 19 and 20 presents the antichrist annexing Egypt and Ethiopia- which is Dan 11:43. Isaiah 21-23 brings in the ‘tidings out of the east and out of the north’ of Dan 11:44. In Isaiah 21- Elam and Media (the eastern alliances of Gog) attack Babylon (which at the time of attack is an antichristian geographical centre of influence- Lucifer of Isaiah 14). In Isaiah 22- Elam and Kir (alliances of Gog) have surrounded Jerusalem- the antichristian power in Jerusalem is about to be shaken up- Shebna is to be replaced by Eliakim (Christ) - v15-24. In Isaiah 23- the last antichristian power base- Tyre and Sidon is destroyed.  In Isaiah 24- Jerusalem being broken, the whole world is judged and finally the spiritual wickedness in heavenly places is removed- (v21).]

Ch 30: It is the decimation of antichristian power in Egypt by means of Gog- it is the day of Jehovah. Ezek 30 is not the same thing as Isaiah 19. In Isaiah 19 and 20- it is the antichrist (as the Assyrian- in territorial possession of Turkey and parts of Syria) taking over the land of Egypt*- it is not the day of Jehovah. In Ezek 30- it is Gog’s assault (day of Jehovah) on the recently formed antichristian sphere of influence in Egypt. But Gog fails to realize that his victory over antichristian Egypt is merely by divine permission- refer Nahum 3:8- ‘Art thou better than populous No…Ethiopia and Egypt…yet was she carried away’- speaks plainly of Gog’s arrogance. Compare the proud insinuations of Rabshakeh (type of Gog)-(Isaiah 36:19-20) and God’s counsels (Isaiah 37:26-29).

[*Isaiah 19 takes up the prototypical images of the antichrist from Dan 11. The ‘cruel lord, and a fierce king’ of Isaiah 19:4 is the antichrist and not the wicked counselor (the leader of Gog) of Nahum 1:11.]

Ch 31: Pharaoh is simply Asshur (Ezek 31:10) - the antichristian power presently in Egypt had been previously the antichristian power in Assyria (parts north to Israel). The antichrist, who a little time ago had owned the territories belonging to Asshur; is now in possession of Egypt, since his sphere of influence in Asshur had been lost to Gog. Further, his present possession of Egypt (as Pharaoh) is also to be given up to Gog. 

Ch 32: The antichristian power in Egypt is destroyed by Gog. The whole historical progression is given after the fall of antichristian power in Egypt by Gog- we begin by going backwards- from v30 to v22:-

-          V30: The last antichristian base in PalestineSidon (Ezek 28:20) is destroyed followed by-

-          V 29: Edom crisis of Isaiah 63, Isaiah 34 and Ezekiel 35.

-          V26-28: The two phases of the destruction of Gog-

(a)    V27- ‘they lie not with the mighty’- the northern army driven into a land barren and desolate (Joel 2:20) - in type, it is the destruction of Sennacherib’s army (Isaiah 37:36).

(b)   V28- ‘thou shalt be broken in the midst of the uncircumcised’- in this second and last phase- Gog comes up with his racial brothers- Persia (Elam), Gomer and Togarmah (Turkey) and also is accompanied by his newly acquired territories from the antichristian sphere of influence- Ethiopia and Libya. This second phase is Ezekiel 38. This would end in brother against brother*- ‘every man’s sword shall be against his brother’ (Ezek 38:21). Refer Jeremiah 51:11 and 27 where Babylon (now in Gog’s hand) is attacked by Gog’s racial brothers- Mede (Persia) - v11 and the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni and Ashkenaz (Turkey) - v27.


[*Besides the direct destruction of Gog as in Ezek 38:22, there is an important characterizing feature of this last phase- brother against brother^ (Ezek 38:21)- it is the sons of Japheth killing each other. Belshazzar (Gog) is destroyed by Gog’s blood brothers- Persians and Mede.]


[^ Gideon’s conquests engage the enemies in destroying each other (Judges 7:22) - it is Gog’s destruction. Barak’s victory against Sisera (Judges 4-5) is the fall of the Roman beast and the antichrist (Rev 19:19) - ‘the kings came and fought…they fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera’ (Judges 5:19-20).]  

-          V24-25: Finally Asshur (Turkey) and Elam- the racial brothers of Gog too are destroyed*.

[*Comparing with Isaiah (18-38) for a quick review - we have: Ch 18: Israel of our times formed due to the instrumentation of the English peoples. Ch 19-20: Antichrist annexes Egypt and Ethiopia. Ch 21: The antichristian sphere of influence in geographical area of Babylon is challenged by Elam and Media (the coalition of Gog). Ch 22: Elam has now proceeded (from Babylon) to surround Jerusalem. Ch 23: Tyre (which has connection with the land of Chittim {v1, 12} - the Roman beast influence) is attacked leaving antichristian Egypt afraid- (v5). Ch 30-31: {since Ch 30 and Ch 31 is sequentially before Ch 28 and Ch 29} - in Ch 30-32, Jerusalem looks to antichristian Egypt for help but left without help. Ch 28: Gog attacks. Ch 29: The nations attack. Ch 33: Christ comes- thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty’ (v17). Ch 34: Judgment on the nations (Edom’s crisis). Ch 35: The return of the ransomed of the Jehovah. Ch 36-38: The two phase destruction of Gog- the first (destruction of the Sennacherib’s army-Isaiah 37:36) and the second (destruction of Sennacherib’s by his own in connection with the land of Ararat (Turkey) - Isaiah 37:38- brother against brother. Ch 38: reveals that it is Hezekiah (Christ)-after being raised from the dead- in resurrection power- who is the hope against the Assyrian (Gog) - {Micah 5:5}. Ch 24: Gog and the nations attack of Jerusalem brings in Jehovah’s intervention to such an extent that wickedness in heavenly places is thrust out-v21. Ch 25 to Ch 27: Millennial anticipations and joys.]

Ch 33: The city is smitten- Gog and the nations have attacked.

Ch 34: David (Christ) has come (v23) - the true Shepherd in contrast with the wicked shepherds of Israel.

Ch 35: The book of Obadiah opens- Edom is humbled by the nations.

Ch 36: The nations gathered at Edom- destroyed by Christ (Isaiah 63 and Psalms 83*).

[*The northern army (Gog) driven into a land barren and desolate (Joel 2:20) - facing the eastern sea joins the assembly of nations (which by then were under Gog’s suzerainty) gathered in the valley of Jehoshaphat^ (Joel 3) - ‘Asshur also is joined with them’- Ps 83:8.] 

[^ Joel 1 and 2:1-14 speaks of the inroad of Gog and the nations (Ps 74 and Ps79 and Zech 14:1-2). Joel 2:15-32 brings in the feast of the trumpets (Ps81:3), brings in Christ who pushes Gog to a barren land. Joel 3 is Psalm 83.]

Ch 37: It is Zech 11:14 reversed by Christ- the nation (12 tribes) is re-gathered (Ezek 37:19).

Ch 38: It is the realization of Isaiah 14:25*- ‘to break the Assyrian in my land; and upon my mountains will I tread him under foot’- the second (and the final) phase of Gog’s destruction- ‘a sword against him throughout all my mountains’ (Ezek 38:21).

Ezekiel 38: 17- ‘Art thou he whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them’- Gog is simply the Assyrian of the pre-captivity prophets. {Exceptions include the antichrist himself, when he is in possession of Assyria (territories north of Israel- Turkey and Syria) as in Isaiah 19, Isaiah 20 and Dan 11), but after a time- the antichrist loses his grip over Assyria to Gog. Gog from then onwards is the Assyrian- since he is in possession of geographical parts of Turkey and Syria.

[*In Isaiah 13:1-11- antichristian power (the sun shall be darkened in his going forth-v10) in geographical Babylon wanes because of the presence of Gog and his brothers. From Isaiah 12:11 to 22- we have the destruction of Gog (now in possession of geographical Babylon appropriated from the erstwhile antichristian influence) - the Medes turn against them (a fratricidal war breaks out among the sons of Japheth). In Isaiah 14- we have a kind of dirge for two- one for the king of Babylon (Gog) - the wicked counselor of Nahum 1:11 and the other is for the antichrist- Lucifer. {Both had ruled geographical Babylon- the antichrist first, and then the antichrist loses Babylon to Gog’s forces}. In order, that we should not confuse both- the king of Babylon (Gog) is referred to (under his popular title) of the Assyrian in v25-26.]

Ch 39: Ezekiel 39:25 links itself with Isaiah 66* (particularly v19 and v20).

[*In Isaiah 63- we have judgment on the nations gathered at Edom. In Isaiah 66- we have Gog’s destruction and a national re-gathering-{besides other objects of study such as the temple existing at the time of tribulation and the corrupt sacrificial system then existing- Isaiah 66:1-3.]

Ch 40-48: It is the millennial economy.

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