9. The Seven Churches which are in Asia (part 3)

[Notes of Addresses on Prophetic Subjects by P. Ben, Delivered before the Assembly, Gathered at YMCA, Secunderabad, March 2015.]

The divine scrutiny of the seven churches is based on the blessings divinely bestowed in the past as well as the blessings promised in future.  The address to each of the churches contains the original blessing whereas the promise to the churches provides the future blessing. Thus the judgment of the professing church is based on the twofold blessings- original and future.*

*In Israel’s case, the nation undergoes judgment with respect to a similar twofold blessing- the vineyard of the past era (Isaiah 5) and the coming glory of Messiah (Isaiah 6).

The original blessing is the spiritual power attached to the professing church. The church is judged to what extent this blessing had been pursued for spiritual advantage. To Ephesus the blessing was an overarching spiritual repertoire (seven stars in His right hand). To Smyrna the blessing was Christ’s Person (was dead, and is alive) and to Pergamos it was Christ’s word against the doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitanes (sharp sword with two edges). To Thyatira the blessing was Christ’s judicial intervention as Son of God in power (eyes like unto a flame of fire and feet like fine brass). For Sardis, it was the freshness of spiritual energies (seven Spirits of God). To Philadelphia, the knowledge of dispensational prophecy accompanied with evangelical opportunities (key of David and the doors being opened or shut). To Laodicea it was the knowledge of Christ’s glory despite the failure of the church (the Amen, the faithful and true witness).  

The future blessing is to be realized at the coming of Christ though presently enjoyed in spirit. The church is judged to what extent the present spiritual state is conformable to the blessing pointed out in the promise. To Ephesus, it is the enjoyment of Christ (tree of life). For Smyrna, it is overcoming the fear of death (shall not be hurt of the second death). To Pergamos, it is the memory of Christ’s condescending glory (hidden manna) and personal delights in Christ (white stone and a new name) as opposed to worldly glory (Satan’s seat) and vanities (Balaam’s idolatry and fornication). For Thyatira, it is power over the nations and the intimate association with Christ (realized at the rapture-morning star). To Sardis, it is the holy joy of association with Christ (walk with me in white) and heavenly glory (before the Father and the angels). For Philadelphia, it is being in the same position in which Christ is before God (name and city of my God), in strength (pillar in the temple) and enjoying Christ’s glory beyond the Messianic titled glories (my new name). To Laodicea, it is identification with the Lord of glory (to sit with me in my throne).*

*It is already discussed as to the question of the future blessings. The promises are for the overcomers in connection with the church in the first three churches and in separation from the church in the last four churches. Refer Article 8.

Historically, the present times assume the Laodicean character besides which the bad forms of the previous times appear to exist till today and continue till their destruction.*

*It is significant to note that Jezebel of Thyatira, the Sardis’ book of life and the Philadelphian’s synagogue continue to this day, though not the remnant of the respective churches. Jezebel’s destruction is still to come, the book of life is still to be corrected and the synagogue is still to be humbled. Papacy, nationalized Protestantism and antichristian Zionism is the evil yet to be purged.

The book of life at Sardis is not to be mistaken for the Lamb’s book of life but is merely the abuse of the doctrine of assurance advocated by Protestantism.

 The synagogue of Satan at Philadelphia reflects the surge of Jewish apostasy similar in spirit to Shebna of old (Isaiah 22:15-19) in contrast to Christ, the true Eliakim upon whose shoulder rests the key of the house of David, so shall he open, and none shall shut…(Isaiah 22:22). Satan’s synagogue at Philadelphia represents the powerful surge of Judaism rather than Puseyism of Catholic inclinations. 

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