8. The Seven Churches which are in
[Notes of Addresses on Prophetic Subjects by P. Ben, Delivered
before the Assembly, Gathered at YMCA, Secunderabad, Feb. 2015.]
The study of the seven churches involves the consideration of
two fold elements- spiritual government and the remnant.*
*The remnant meant here is not a Jewish one but rather true
Christian testimony in contrast to a larger body of dead profession.
The spiritual government unfolds itself in a unique
semblance of stars and candlesticks. The idea of subordinate spiritual powers
(seven stars) runs along with corporate responsibility (seven
candlesticks). The candlesticks are made
of gold pointing to the profoundness that ought to characterize the testimony
of the church as being established by divine power for divine purposes. The
mystical bearing of the seven churches forms a pattern peculiar to the first
four churches in contrast to the latter three. The first four are characterized
by corruption of spiritual power while the last three feature the decline of
spiritual power.
The first four churches are shown to be attacked by certain
corrupting influences which are pointedly foreign in source. The lying
apostles, Balaam and the Nicolaitans do not figure in
the churches of
*Though Jezebel is shown to teach and seduce but the promise
to the overcomer in Thyatira is power over the
nations. This implies the immediate contrast to the Papal power over the
The last churches are shown to suffer from spiritual
declensions resulting not from external forces but internal decay caused by
worldliness (
Christ addresses Himself to the first four churches in the
light of Rev 1 titles*. But new titles emerge from
*The addresses to
The study of the seven churches from the remnant’s
perspective merits a serious consideration. The remnant begins from Thyatira
and not before- ‘unto the rest in Thyatira’ (Rev 2:24). But this also means
other things- setting aside the concerns as regards to the recovery of the
church to its original position and the coming of Christ (Rev 2:25). From
*The invisible church here is not the mystical body of
Christ from Pentecost to rapture but the localized testimony of the remnant
unknown to the world at large. The visible church (Christendom) is visible to
the world but is under divine condemnation.
The first three churches have the exhortation (He that hath
an ear) preceding the promise to the overcomer (To
him that overcometh). But in the last four, the
promise precedes the exhortation. If the exhortation precedes the promise, it
meant the church is still expected to return to its pristine originality as in
the apostolic days. If the promise precedes the exhortation, it meant the
remnant is distinguished from the church to be the competent heirs of promise-
the church is set aside.
Thus, we have a four-three division of the seven churches
with respect to spiritual government but a three-four division with respect to
the remnant. Thyatira being the fourth church falls in both the divisions thus
acquiring transitional features of uniqueness.*
*Thyatira following the four-three pattern belongs to the
catholic phase of church history reflecting the titles of Rev 1 (eyes like
flame of fire and feet like fine brass- Rev 1:14,15)
in connection with the first three churches. But at the same time following the
three-four division, Thyatira heralds the beginning of the remnant phase
reflecting a new title –the Son of God (Rev 2:18) in connection with the last
three churches.
(To be continued in the Lord's will.)
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