2. On the Scope of Partial Judgments in Prophecy.
[Notes of Addresses on Prophetic
Subjects by P. Ben, Delivered before the Assembly, Gathered at YMCA, Secunderabad, 2014.]
The scale of prophetical measure is unfolded by divine interventions
in the government of this world. The current of divine governance is driven by
theocratic establishment on earth. This is Israel- the centre of God’s
dealings with earth. The peculiarity and uniqueness of its position in contrast
with all other nations and entities is that it is the lot of Jehovah’s
inheritance on earth (Deut 32:9). The consequence of this privileged position
does not warranty the idea of imperialism on the part of Israel but
surprisingly its responsibility to acknowledge the bounds of the other nations-
since it is the Most High who established the nations (Deut 32:8).*
*This happened consequent to the confusion of Babel.
The responsibility of Israel rested on two grounds-
Isaiah 5 and Isaiah 6.*
*Isaiah 6 refers to Israel’s judgment because it had
not welcomed Jehovah who had come into their midst in the glory of the Person
of Christ. This is more horrendous than the failure in Isaiah 5 but is beyond
our present study.
Isaiah 5 refers to Israel’s judgment because of its
failure to witness Jehovah amidst the assembly of idolatrous nations. The
result of this privileged position of Israel to witness the true God on
earth had only resulted in wild grapes (v 4). The immediate judgment is that Israel would
loose its position of privilege- the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is laid
bare- exposed to the coming judgment of God.
The nations who had their beginning from the curse of Babel were to be judged
for their sin and idolatry. This judgment on the nations could be delayed as
long as Israel
witnessed the glory of Jehovah’s righteous government by keeping His law. The
moment Israel failed to
witness God, Israel headed for an inevitable
end- to be scattered across the earth (Lev26). Once Israel is scattered* the judgment
on the nations which long delayed becomes a reality- this is the Jehovah’s
controversy with the nations.
though scattered is brought back to be blessed and to be a blessing for the
nations. It is brought back to power and life because of the counsels of God’s
grace in the Person of Christ. This is dealt in the later chapters of Isaiah.
The original idea of a witnessing Israel
amidst the idolatrous nations- the order established by God in Deut 32 is
looked upon as a garden
of God in Ezekiel 31:8,
9, 16 and 28:13. But this order is opening up to judgment. This judgment has
been suspended for the end times. The proper and final judgment of Israel and the
other nations is reserved for the future*. But a partial judgment had been
executed to this effect by the rise of Nebuchadnezzar.
*This suspension is the corner of all eschatology- only
second to the testimony of Christ Himself.
The scope of these partial judgments is an enigma- as they
are the fearful portents of the final judgment to be realized in the eventful future.
Caution is to be applied as regards to these judgments as they are basically
historical but at the same time furnishes us with the signs of the end. We
shall consider a few passages:
Ezekiel provides these partial judgments as to have occurred
by the hand of Babylon: against Ammon (25:1-7), Moab
(25:8-11), Edom (25:12-17), Tyre (26:1-21, 27, 28:1-19), Sidon (28:20-26), Egypt (29:1-21), (Ch 30 and 32),
Assyrian (31).
Jeremiah speaks of this in ch4:7, 11, 13
and in Ch 25- the king of Babylon is called the
servant of God to begin the partial judgments on Israel and the other nations
Zephaniah speaks of this in ch2: 4-7 (Philistia), 8-11 (Moab and Ammon), 12
(Ethopia), 13-15 (Assyria).
The purpose of these partial judgments serves the same for the
final judgment as well- that is to acknowledge the glory of Jehovah which Israel failed
to witness. Ezekiel brings out the purpose of these
definitive judgments- ch24:27, ch25:5, 7, 11, ch25:15-17, ch26, ch28:22,
ch30:26, ch32:15.
The only difference in case of Israel is that by experiencing the
judgment: two things happen. One- it is punished for its failure (ch24:27) and
tried for blessing (Ch 28:26, 34:27, 36:11).*
*The passages referred to are found in Ezekiel.
It is important to understand that the partial judgments
though unleashed by Babylon but in the future
and final judgment it would be unleashed from Zion- by Jehovah Himself in the Person of
Christ. This would be dealt in further study.*
*The purpose of Nebuchadnezzar is twofold: to bring about
the partial judgments and to begin the times of gentiles. The former is
considered in this tract, the latter- a more sinister development shall be
looked into latter.
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