On the Olive, Fig, and the Vine.


P. Ben, September 2016.



Jotham's parable of the trees, brings to light the associative ideas for each of these plant species. The olive in general, stood for the privileged relationship of the people with God. The fig is a nation's corporate identity (Israel) and the vine bears reference to a testimony unto God on earth, and sanctioned by God.

The Hebrew inspired oracle of creation begins with a distorted watery chaos upon which the Spirit moved (hovered). The idea of a fluttering bird is connected with the Spirit's unrest in a world of sin. The dove (Spirit) brings with it an olive (blessing) unto Noah (remnant), setting the stage clear for anticipated hopes of Him, by whom the blessing should come. In the waters of Jordan, the Spirit (dove) finally rests on the Man of God's pleasing and delight. 

In John 1, the Spirit descended from heaven like a dove. The promise of the olive* is true only as through Jesus, the Son of God.

*The gentile Christians come under this blessing (Rom 11).

By and by, comes the remnant of Israel (Nathanael) enjoying the national blessings- under the fig tree. This, however, is a sovereign elect and the elect themselves as chosen by Jesus, the sovereign Jehovah- 'Before that Philip called thee...'

In John 2, the vine is celebrated. Israel long since, given to pretensions under the law (empty waterpots), should enjoy the privilege of blessed testimony to God under grace.

The plant figures assume changes: the fig tree cursed to be unfruitful, the true vine and the Husbandman and the olive-press (Gethsemane). The national spirit of Judaism is only a package of curse. Israel the vine, set aside as a testimony on earth and replaced by the Christian testimony in connection with Jesus, the True Vine (John 15). The olive needs to be pressed for the blessing to be tasted- Christ agonizes in Gethsemane (olive press), so that promises of blessing may be fulfilled. 

Jotham's parable of the bramble upon the transgressors, is what came upon Jesus- the thorny bramble, a crown of thorns for being numbered with the transgressors.

