

P. Ben, September 2016.



The Gentiles as unclean - is the thought of the Hebrews, in full agreement of God's ways and revelation under the law. 

The issue at hand, is however the admission of the Gentiles into the privileges of God and not merely their acceptance by the Jews. Cornelius was known of the Jews for his righteousness (Acts 10:22), a remarkable testimony in itself as the Gentiles in the Jewish eye were but sinners. 

The Jews had accepted the righteous Gentiles in the same way as Simon the tanner in a figure tanned the unclean animals (Gentiles) into a usable product of beauty (Joppa). His house was by the sea - the sea of Gentile figure. But still, the righteous Gentiles weren't esteemed as common heirs of the promises of the Jewish commonwealth. The Church dispensation puts an end to this subtle discrimination.

It is not mere tanning of the unclean but eating the unclean. Peter was commanded to eat the unclean- the figure of incorporating the Gentile into the body of the Jews - into their standing and full privileges. This time, it is not upgrading a converted Gentile status in relation to the Jew (tanning) but looking upon him as the Jew (eating) in full exercise of privileges and blessings. 

At Joppa, there was Tabitha- meaning Dorcas (gazelle). The Jew was the clean beast like the gazelle as revealed under the Law (Leviticus). But what about the Gentile? Unclean beasts, they were - quadrupeds and fowls shown to Peter. But unclean made clean by God. Its not merely unclean tanned by Jewish admission but unclean made clean by divine power- 'what God has cleansed, do not thou make common'.

At Joppa, the Church (Peter) was permitted not only to see the clean gazelle but also the unclean quadrupeds and fowls as dear to God. It is the Church (the 'stone' of Peter's confession) that unites the Jew and Gentile on common ground of admission into the exalted realm of heavenly blessings - which is beautiful (Joppa).