Idolatry -- Part 1.

P. Ben

August, 2015.

Idolatry is a post-flood phenomenon owing its origins to the attempt on the part of man to lend certain attributes of God to a corruptible creature. The attributes ought to be distinguished from the nature of God which is Light and Love. The attributes presume relationships and created entities over which divine justice characterized by power (lion), stability (ox), swiftness (eagle) and intelligible (man) can set things judicially right on earth. Judaism is the declaration of the attributes of God but not the nature of God who abode within the veil- unapproachable but not unknown. Christianity reveals the nature of God in the Person of Christ. Attributes relate to government while nature brings in fellowship.

Romans chapter one reveals the economy of the nations. Two events are declared- substituting God (v21-27) and setting aside God (v28-32). The former which is connected with idolatry brings in bodily uncleanness and same gender perversions. The latter which does not involve idolatry but rather departure from truth brings in violence.*

*Here (v28) the knowledge of God is not replaced by the corruptible creature- instead it is making the house empty by driving out every trace of divine revelation. Further, it is not fornication but ‘ponyria’ (wickedness) in v29.    

Idolatry involves the assigning to corruptible man, birds, quadrupeds and reptiles the attributes of God. Fishes are not mentioned in v23, leaving the idolaters to pervert only the providential attributes of God over an ordered earth. In the visions of Ezekiel, the attributes of divine justice are shown to be the heads of an ordered creation- man, lion, ox and eagle. This is cherubic bringing in judgment on the entities based according to their pre-ordained responsibilities (sparkling as a burnished brass-Ezek 1:7).*

*Seraphic (Isaiah 6) is bringing in judgment on the entities based not on pre-ordained responsibilities but according to a fresh revelation of the nature of God, for ‘Seraphic’ is burnings. In Egypt, the judgments were cherubic and providential but at Sinai it is seraphic for it brought in not just the revelation of God- the burning bush but the burnings (testing) of the people, a baptism by fire (Ex 3:12).

It is true indeed that the gentiles have given themselves to the worship of these creatures themselves when in fact they formed only the throne of God. The winged lions and the strong headed bulls embellished on the relief of many ancient artifacts prove only the ignorance of these nations since they had no proper conception of Him who sat above these creatures (Ezek 1:26). The cherubic qualities relate to an ordered earth leaving out the sea and its creatures, for there is no mention of fish as one of the cherubic faces*.

*The serpent is but a corrupted manifestation of an attribute relating to that of a beast of the field (Genesis 3:1, 14). The serpent is the inverse of an ox- the divine attribute of stability as contrasted with unstable meanderings of the economies of men in the absence of government. It crawled not from the beginning but following the curse. It is providential power of God given to man becoming by and by Satanic- the staff of God fell from Moses’ hands to become a serpent though in Christ the power is restored not only by bruising its head but taking it by the tail.

God’s providential power through man does not own the fishes (anarchic tribes of the earth) but brings into its sphere the ordered earth of civilization. Nebuchadnezzar*, the king who presided over the first amalgamated polity on earth established by God who had left the temple to take up His throne in the heavens- was left with men, beasts and fowls (Dan 2:38) but no fishes. The dispersed anarchy of the world was conveniently put outside the sphere of providence when speaking in terms of delegated power. In Christ, we have God’s power extended over the fishes too (Ps 8).

 *The whole period of gentiles begin with Nebuchadnezzar and ends with Belshazzar (in type). Belshazzar (‘the heart melteth, and the knees smite together’-Nahum 2:10) brings in the last great gentile power- Gog advancing over the world which had hitherto became anarchic with the recent demise of the antichristian power. In Habakkuk, Gog takes the character of Chaldea eager to run over the world of fishes and creeping things- ‘And thou makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them’ (Hab 1:14).

Idolatry began after the flood and not before it; for the flood necessarily instilled in man the knowledge of divine attributes in judgment*. This knowledge of the divine attributes became in time^ an object of deification themselves. Aaron made the molten calf and proclaimed, ‘To-morrow is a feast to Jehovah’ (Ex 32). The calf~ which is an attribute of Jehovah in divine justice (refer Rev 4:7) is itself worshipped as Jehovah.

* We have in a figure the Jewish elect in the last days tossed about in a world of judgment (ark went on the face of the waters) but delivered finally to enter a millennial world, where fishes too are delivered to the hand of Noah (Gen 9:2).

^The connivance of myth and fact in explaining the evolution of gods as being the outcome of providence is horrific- ‘and I cast it into the fire, and there came out this calf’ was the reply of Aaron (Ex 32:24) but the deliberate chiseling and the efforts he took to produce the idol (v 4) finds no mention. The maker of the idol construes his idol to have been formed by forces outside himself.

~In Ezekiel it is not a calf but an ox as the cherubic face. Further, in Revelation it is the union of cherubic and seraphic characteristics-the four faces plus the six wings. At Sinai where the seraphic attribute was venerated as a god itself- the calf stood for seraphic while the ox stood for cherubic.

Idolatry in one sense is perversion of the Noah’s ark. For in the ark was man, birds, quadrupeds and reptiles- the figures of an ordered earth with no anarchy (fishes).

(To be continued in the Lord’s will)

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