An Issue of Blood.

P. Ben [Nov. 2016]

In Haggai 2:12-14, the two points of importance are emphasized. One being that cleanness cannot be transferred and the second, that is defilement is contagious. This is the expression under the Law. But under grace, what then?

Under grace, the soul conscious of the majesty of God's unbounded sovereignty; contemplates the love of God in Christ, without the confinement of Law. To say within oneself, 'If I may touch his garment, I shall be whole' (Matt 9) is a bold undertaking beyond the express statement of the prophet Haggai. If Jesus was a mere man though holy, her uncleanness would have made the other unclean without herself being redeemed from the defilement since holiness/blessing was not transferable. But Jesus - Who is the manifest expression of the fullness of God conveys in Himself the hidden mystery of divine energy apart from the law but fulfilling it such that the  nation pronounced as unclean (in Haggai 2:14) gets to be healed as in a figure.*

[*12 represents government and so the woman bears in her person, the figure of unclean Jewish administration (issue of blood twelve years).]

But healing comes not with energies of the flesh under the law but by Christ (Rom 3:22). It is in Christ, that the unfathomable happens: blessing is transferable and corruption is contained yea, removed.