Being a Witness.

Brother Chrysolyte Choragudi [ 2014 ]

"But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness." Acts 26:16.


One of the primary and daily duties of a disciple of Lord Jesus Christ is to be His witness. Acts 22:15. When we are witnesses, our Father provides us opportunities to bear witness (John 15:27, Acts 23:11). Sadly often, bearing witness today is confused to be the sum of being witness. A serious misconception, that a secular job hinders the disciple from witnessing, has crept-in. Consequently, disciples have resorted to either excusing themselves totally from being witnesses or getting into frenzied Gospel activity – diluting witnessing. Being a witness unto the Lord Jesus Christ comprises the entirety of our life dynamics, intrigued by which, men and women are attracted to the foot of the Cross. There, God the Spirit does His mighty work in a sinner – ‘to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith’ (Acts 26:18).


In other words, our words and our work (vocation included) are neither substitutes nor excuses to our being witnesses. John 5:36. They are part of the whole but our unseen life of discipleship holds the key. John the Baptist exemplifies this for us (John 1:7-8) and the Apostles seal it. The introspection of a disciple then must be on these lines: Am I a witness in the way I - live each moment, love a sinner, forgive others, humble myself and reject everything outside His will? Joseph, Moses, Nehemiah, Daniel of old and countless saints of our times got witnessing right. Shall we too? Blessed be Lord our God!


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