Notes of an Address on Romans 5:6-11.


Bro. Stephen B., March 26, 2017.

Romans chapters 1 to 11, rich in doctrine declares unto us the foundation of our faith, the Gospel as the Lord revealed to Paul. and is the foundation of the assembly.  In 1 Corinthians 3:11 we are warned about straying from this foundation, also it should do our hearts, as a new creation in Christ, good to be well exercised in the basic doctrine of the Gospel.   When we keep basic doctrines in the forefront of our minds we are much less likely to be swept away in every wind of false doctrine.  There is an analogy, that when you want to be able to spot a counterfeit $100 bill, study hard the real thing, and it is the same here in relation to studying the Scripture. 

There are seven benefits of justification in Romans chapter 5.  We have looked at four so far.

5:1 tells us that we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by faith in His blood alone for the atonement for our sins, and His bodily resurrection. 

5:2 tells us that we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand.  We are as near and dear to the Father as His precious and Beloved Son.

5:2 also declares that we rejoice in hope of the glory of God, and it is something we enjoy now, as we rejoice with Him in His revelation by His word, learning of His Son as central in all His sovereign plan for the ages, the riches of His Grace (Eph. 2).  One day we will see Him face to face.  That "Blessed Hope" I touched on last time from Titus 2: 13 -- "..that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;"

5:3 speaks of how we glory in tribulations also, in that afflictions produce godly character.  We looked at the example of Joseph in Genesis 37-50.  Today, the world, run by Satan, hates those who identify with Christ and His work on the cross for us.

So we have: Peace, Access, Rejoice in hope of the glory of God, and Glory in tribulations also.

Rom 5:5 sets us up for understanding the section of Scripture we are looking at today.  As it declares to us that "the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."  The Holy Spirit reveals the love He is about to declare in verses 6-8.

Romans 5:6-20 uses a logical argument from the lesser to the greater.  The Lord's divine inspiration does this to help us understand our eternal security, which is the fifth benefit that flows from justification by faith.  If God's unrestrained love, has gone out to us while we were ungodly and in fact his enemies, and dark in our minds with wicked works, how much more will He love and protect us as His children.  We are even His inheritance according to Ephesians 1:18.

Vs. 6.  “For when we were yet without strength,” -- Helpless, spiritually dead, enemies of God, as Rom 1:18 describes the unbeliever “..who hold the truth in unrighteousness” also 1:21.  Not caring about salvation or even thinking that it is needed.  Without strength, in knowledge, or moral ability, or in any way strong.  One of the definitions in Strongs Concordance, describes "without strength" (v6) as impotent, and weaker, that is, we are weaker than we suppose.  Romans chapter 4 reminds us of Abraham and how the Lord promised him that he would be a father of many nations.  Yet Abraham was old and past his prime, and Sarah was barren their whole lives together.  So Abraham was without strength to accomplish  the promise, and he was saved by faith because of his weakness.  Read Luke 18:24-26.

in due time” -- In God's perfect time or season.  To compare, look at Galatians 4:4 "the fulness of the time" -- It was not according to man's timing.  It led me think of the times in which Christ came, the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us.  Israel, which had the testimonies of the fathers (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the patriarchs), the Law and the prophets and incredible accounts of Gods deliverance, had so fallen into idolatry time and time again, that the Lord gave them over to Babylon in captivity (for 70 years) and dispersion through out the empire.  During the time between the writings of Malachi and Mathew of 400 years, idolatry still was present along with legalism, to the time of Christ's first advent.  Then “in due time” when the times looked most grim the Saviour was born, the prophecies fulfilled, His (perfect and sinless) life, fulfilling the Whole Law to God's standard, ministering to Israel, God's purpose for them, and ultimately being rejected by those He came to save and going to the Cross.  IN DUE TIME!!  Brothers and sisters may we never loose the wonder of it all!!!  That this same Gospel that goes out to them is now through Paul, preached to the Gentiles (see I Tim. 3:16).  All I can say is that I am so glad that I am in God's loving sovereign hands!  And to say with Paul in Rom 11:33-36, read.  "In due time" is quite a statement!  And there are many other accounts in Scripture that can bear witness to this too!!

“Christ died for the ungodly."  This same Word that became flesh, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe died for me! (Col 1:15-20.)  For the ungodly - read Romans 4:5.  This gives the word impious; pious in the dictionary means one who is marked by, or shows reverence for Deity and devotion to divine worship.  Impious means the opposite, one who in fact hates God.  One interesting reminder that occurred to me while preparing here, is that while He was delivered to be killed He was not killed, but gave up the ghost. 

Oh how we need these reminders.  How the Love of God is shed abroad in our heats by the Holy Ghost.  We need these reminders that is why it is so repeated here in Romans 5.  Because we still have a sin nature and we don't always grasp on these basics, we need to “reckon” them to be so, as God has declared it.

5:7 - I had a slight struggle with, as I was wondering what is the difference between a righteous man and a good man, and what is the Lord really meaning here as a result.  Really, this is a comparative verse between our inconsistent weak sense of love and God's ultimate love.  It is hard for us think about giving our lives for a righteous man.  One who is only right all the time and does what is just right, but nothing more, and is not very kind about it, graceful or pleasant, nice.  Maybe someone who doesn't make us feel good.   However on the other hand a good man, someone who does make one feel good, is likeable, nice, warm pleasant and giving.  Some might be persuaded to die for such a one as this.  But it might be feelings based at best.  God's divine love is not so, in His Son our Lord Jesus, and is unique and unparalleled in all human experience.  No one (human), would give his life and die for one who is unworthy, and especially an enemy.  And even if one did, it would not save the others soul, as they are both unjust before God.  This is the best man could do, on his own, when it comes to love for humanity.

5:8  But God commendeth His love toward us,” -- Commendeth or established, sets forth His perfect Agape love which is irrespective of rights, because by rights, we deserve death.  The love of God is completely supernatural and other-worldly.  He demonstrated His marvelous love toward us by sending His Beloved Son to die for us while we were still sinners.  If we ask why He did it, we must look for the answer in the sovereign will of God Himself.  There was no good in us to call forth such Love.  When we see the contrast of what man thinks, and how God has dealt with us in His grace. Man's thinking might say like “can't you just give us some laws and tell us how to live better, and give us some psychology books or something”.  He knew the deep issue of mans sin and is separation from God and what the solution to the whole thing is.   God's answer is Christ as our (blessed) Substitute for our inherited sin nature by our fleshly head Adam.  We are saved by the Grace of God in the blood of The Lord Jesus and we are kept in our new lives in Christ by the same.

5:9  The logic of from the lesser to the greater is now focused on the greater.  Really it is all great though, after all, the good news of vs. 6-8 is that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. However now we have “much more then,” -- We are eternally secure!!!

How much more, now that we are justified, by the highest price in Christ, and His Children and as Colossians 1:13 says, “we are translated into the kingdom of the Son of His love;” will He preserve and sustain us spiritually now that we are His?  There are new conditions.  We are not reckoned as guilty sinners, by the blood of Christ, we are forgiven.

“We shall be saved from wrath through Him." We are delivered from any contact with God's wrath, saved away from it, here in time and in eternity!

5:10  For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son,” -- We were both justified and reconciled to God.  The sin and separation from God was on our part.

Vs 9 declares again what we are now, justified in Christ, and the eternal security of being saved from wrath through Him.

Vs 10 brings us back to God's love, despite what we (once) were and God's provision for us, and adds to it yet another MUCH MORE!  much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life."  The work of Christ on the cross, did more that restore what Adam lost.  A good illustration of this is in the trespass offering in Leviticus 5:6.  It was mandatory that the trespasser not only make good the actual loss he had inflicted on the victim, but he must add a fifth to it as restitution. The party that suffered the trespass, in fact becomes a gainer (Leviticus 5:16).

Only in our case with The Lord, we are the trespasser; we have nothing to offer.  Oh the wonder of it all!!

Not only we are saved from wrath, but we are given a newness of life.   The source of this life?  His resurrection, He lives!!  He intercedes for us at the right hand of God.  This same life, in His Holy Spirit, is given to us, and helps our infirmities (Rom 8:26).  His righteousness imparted to us in God's eyes, by His Son's death, has so much power to save us, how much more will His life have power to keep us!!

Vs 11.  The result of being saved from wrath by His life is “we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ,  The second result; atonement (reconciliation) received.  The fruit of Adam's sin in Genesis 3:8 is that they hid themselves from God.  Yet the fruit of our salvation is fellowship and joy with God in (and through) our Lord Jesus Christ.  Our praise to Him, we joy in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Atonement, and reconciliation are one here as in v 10, and can be said as restoration to favor. Oh the Glory and Honor due to God as the fruit of our lips for what He has done for us!!

Rom 5: 12-21 continues in the lesser to the greater logic, in comparing Adam as the federal head of sin and separation from God, and Jesus Christ as the federal Head of restoration to God.